Back in the day, joining a company meant your needs as an employee weren’t as important as those of your employer.

Those days are gone.

In a market offering employees mobility, star players are becoming increasingly difficult to hire and once hired, to retain.

These are just two reasons why companies can’t succeed without being employee-centric.  Let’s explore the topic.

The Millennial Connection

Increasingly the workforce is being dominated by Millennials.  Their conception of work is radically different from their parents’.

Millennials are the technologically savvy young people companies want walking through the door and staying on.  With the skill set they bring to the party, they’re increasingly discerning about the people they work for.

That means that the cream of the Millennial crop is sought after in most if not all sectors.

And this one of the most important reason why companies can’t succeed without being employee-centric. 

Your company needs to stay ahead of the tech curve.  Being able to do that is a company-centric necessity.  So, clearly, when you’re employee-centric, you’re company-centric too.  The benefit adheres mutually.

When You’re Not Employee-Centric

Some reading will remember the bad old days of company-centric HR policies.  Employees were expected to bend over backwards to participate in achieving company goals, often at the expense of their personal and later professional lives.  Loyalty was valued over innovation.  Biddability, over initiative.

As a result, employees often hated their jobs, building up resentment against employers over lengthy tenures.  And resentment is the loyalty killer. 

When loyalty is gone, the employee becomes a liability in numerous ways, under-performing, seat-warming and even undermining the work of colleagues.  They become the site of discontent in other employees, too because resentment goes viral.


Establishing a company culture in which employees are centered returns almost immediate dividends to both employee and employer.

But more than 64% of employers don’t feel that their company’s culture is supportive or coherent.

Building the pillars of a company culture that celebrates and rewards employees creates the foundation for an employee-centric workplace in which employees love their work because they feel valued and integral to the overall operation.

Rewards and Recognition

A key pillar of an aware, progressive company culture is rewards and recognition.  This is where employees are not just rewarded but recognized before their peers.

And it’s in that recognition that culture is fortified.

When other employees see that their employer has gone the extra mile to both reward and recognize strong performers, motivation is improved.  Employees see that the employer’s impulse is toward supporting and celebrating employees.

That means a happier, more collegial workplace in which things get done.

An employee-centric approach is how today’s most successful companies are bringing on and retaining the brightest and best.  But how to achieve it?

Incentive Travel Group

ITG’s outsourced support is how companies like yours retrofit their corporate cultures to create employee-centric success.

We build incentive, reward and recognition programs that speak directly to your employees, taking the heavy lifting off your plate and putting it on ours.  Contact us.

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