Incentive group travel is one of the most enjoyable arrangements for people who love to experience new things in a different place with people they know. Aside from providing participants the opportunity to see something new together, the arrangement also creates the wonderful chance of team members developing stronger ties by getting to know each other more and witnessing how everybody deals with particular situations.
However, although ultimately designed for enjoyment, incentive group travel can also be quite a challenging situation for many—especially if the program wasn’t designed thoughtfully. To determine what a good incentive group travel program is, a travel company has rounded up five of the most important componentsthat people look for in an enjoyable travel incentive program for a group that they cater to as effectively as they can.
- Transportation Arrangements – Proper transportation arrangements can really make the entire experience enjoyable. Seasoned travelers always say that getting from one place to another can be very stressful if you have to rely on public transportation. There’s always that risk of getting overcharged, or getting separated from each other (leading to time-wasting worrying),and there are safety issues to think about as well. An incentive group travel program can be completely successful if designers will make transportation arrangements for the recipients ahead of time.
- Variety of Exploration Activities – Traveling with other people is fun until your interests tear you apart. It’s nicer if travelers can have a selection of activities that includes options that are more to their liking. Those who want to go museum hopping, for example, don’t have to be forced into going to the beach, which may not be their idea of fun.
- Variety of Experiences – Integrating various activities that are novel to the travelers is a must because this will make the overall experience a bigger enhancement to their lives. Make sure that travelers learn the local culture and witness what’s truly unique about the travel des
- Personal Time – Time for personal pursuits should be accommodated into the program. What people can experience together is a fantastic adventure, but personal discoveries are also valuable. Make sure that the itinerary is not too packed that incentive recipients don’t get time for themselves, or fail to try new things on their own.
- Pocket Money – This is not always possible for all incentive travel programs, but if there’s a way to minimize the recipients’concerns about some of the travel expenses, then that would be an extra nice touch. Including pocket money is a really smart strategy in making the incentive something to work hard for.