Every winning incentive strategy should include an individual travel component. These rewards to top performers are customized to their wishes. The live wire in the PR department may opt for a Las Vegas blow out at the Cosmopolitan, complete with show tickets and VIP seating at a prime concert event. The devoted single mom may be dreaming of a getaway for her and her two kids. When incentive travel includes the power of choice, it becomes a means for employers to tell their people they’re special with the key element of personalization. You’ve created the incentive with the specific employee in mind and that is very special, indeed. Incentive travel: the power of choice is about giving your star performers exactly what they want.
Incentive travel is already a terrific way to get your employees motivated and inspired, but when it’s personalized to their specific desires, it becomes a company legend. Employees can choose dates, locations and key experiences. This is possible when the program arranges for fixed pricing and a date range for employees to select from. An incentive travel reward like this is your opportunity to blow the programming horn with a variety of strategies to spread the word. Social media platforms are a great way to let other employees know and to bolster your brand by sharing with the world how thoughtful your incentives are. Invite employees to congratulate winners and use these channels to raise awareness and excitement about your incentives program. Later, winners can share the experience by posting videos, photos and other information about the experience. Everybody wins.
The power of choice starts where your knowledge of your employees does. Knowing them well goes beyond the standard demographic markers of age, sex and income. You want much more detailed information about the people you’re targeting. Knowing what kind of experience they have as travelers helps you fine-tune the program. You’re not about to send a homebody who’s never been out of the state to Bora Bora. Neither do you want to send a madcap adventurer on a trip to Disneyland. Your employees are single, married, cohabiting, gay, straight, young, old, men and women. Some will desire a uniquely tailored experience in a distant jungle. Others will want a quiet week in a ski cabin, with a pair of snowshoes and some good books.
With a well-rounded selection of potential incentives which appeal to the broadest possible cross-section of your employees, you also need a point person who makes every decision about the incentive trip easy to make. This is your winner’s best friend, pointing to the possibilities and making them happen. Your winner has already done quite enough to earn the incentive, so offering personalized internal customer support is an added perk of having earned the individual travel incentive.
At Incentive Travel Group, we’ve been making dreams come true for employees of companies just like yours for over 2 decades. Contact us.