When companies launch and implement a sales incentive travel program, they start off with good intentions like increasing sales, motivating employees and recognizing good performance.
But despite these good intentions, these programs fail due to poor implementation. In order to guarantee success, organizations should carefully study each possible scenario that can undermine the incentive program. Too often, companies succumb to these six mistakes listed below.
Setting difficult goals
A successful incentive program sets challenging yet achievable goals. It would also be beneficial for all members of the organization to start off with goals that are easy to achieve. This allows the participants to become better motivated.
Furthermore, the program should be viewed by participants as fair and objective. Otherwise, they will only feel that it is not worthwhile and will not gain traction.
On the converse side of the coin, organizations should avoid setting goals that are too easy to achieve. This will result in failure in achieving the desired change in behavior.
Not including top brass
An incentive program that does not get the full support of top management is doomed from the start. Before an incentive program is implemented, key managers should be brought onboard by showing them the immense benefits the program has to offer to the organization.
With the full support of managers, the task of getting the support of employees becomes easier.
Complicated rules
Setting rules helps give the incentive program a clear structure and a sense of fair play. However, imposing too many rules can result in frustration on the part of the participants. If the participants feel that it is difficult to win, the program will not gain traction.
Choosing the wrong rewards
Simply put, the rewards should be appealing to the participants. This is why it is crucial to include your personnel in determining the destination for the program. If the chosen destination does not appeal to the participants, it cannot motivate them to participate.
Veering off course
In designing an incentive program, make it a point to keep it simple and straightforward. Otherwise, you will have a difficult time enforcing it consistently. Complicated rules and poor communication can turn off program participants.
Participants should also be constantly reminded of the reason behind the implementation of the program.
Rushing things
In designing the incentive program, organizations should make sure that participants are given ample time to work their way toward success. If the timeline for the program is too short, many participants will feel that they are at a disadvantage.